Tailored Products

Many coatings manufacturers claim to offer custom products. What this typically means is that they’re willing to modify a standard product’s viscosity or maybe even the container’s label. We, however, we have a vastly different definition of what it means to offer a custom, or as we prefer to say, “tailored” product. The process of designing your product begins with an audit of your application process and environment. We compile data on the ambient conditions, substrate preparation, application equipment, line speeds, curing methods, flash times, oven temperatures, storage and shipping conditions, facility emission restrictions, and much more. We then develop a complete understanding of the product’s performance requirements including any extended warranty needs. Based upon the assimilation of this data, a starting formulation is chosen. This formulation is then run through a simulated application within our laboratory and modified as many times as necessary until the desired attributes are achieved…without wasting any of your valuable line time. Only once this work is complete do we initiate a confirmation trial. At the end of this process, an entirely new product has been developed and an application process has been optimized.

  • Extensive data accumulation
  • Internal process simulation
  • Confirmation trial
  • Process optimization